Governance Consideration including accountability and transparency
In respect to the design, development and follow-up of the activity/project, the existing laws, policy/programming and guideline of the government are duly followed. To maintain the systematic consideration, the following actions are taken into action:
- Relevant stakeholders are intensively consulted into design, development and follow-up of the activity/project
- Activity Description Guideline (ADG) with details of budget breakdown of each activity under the project are prepared and distributed to field staffs and target community in wider level
- Project planning and budgeting are endorsed from VDC/DDC councils.
- It has practice of conducting social audit, public audit and public hearing to create the transparency of its work.
- The anti-corruption policy is in place and code of conduct (CoC) has been developed for promoting internal accountability towards the plan and policies of the organization.
- Fraud and corruption are taken as “Zero Tolerance” in its work.
- The project kick off workshops are organized among target groups and various stakeholders to inform on Annual Work and Budget (AWPB) with its implementation procedures in the inception of the project.