Photo Gallery HRDs TrainingBajura Solar Bulb Support Common Photo-BajuraAssembly Photo of RMHSF-NRagi Telar- BaitadiPoultry Farming support to Rekha Kumal at PatanPhotos of Carpenter entreprenures at patan Mr. Basant Bhul _ Mr. Harjit BhulPhoto of Karnali Province level ProgramNaya Paila Cooperative_s Community building Photo Basuling, BaitadiMr. Rajuram Bhul, Speaks in Sudur Paschim Province level intrection Program at DhangadhiMr. Mohani Kumal,Entreprenures of Ceramic ware at PatanMr. Hari Shreepaili facilitated at Sudur Paschim Provice level programLPAC Meeting with Patan Municipality- BaitadiHon_ble Bimala KC, Ministry of LMAC Karnali Province- Speaks on ProgramGoat supporting common photo at Silanga, Patan M BaitadiDeputy Mayor Mrs. Sharshwati Koli, Speech in Patan Municipality LPAC MeetingEntreprenuers selection at Dashrath Chand M-1 Pali BaitadiVegetable farning support to Govinda Bhul at PatanVegetable farming Mr. Gopal Bhul at PatanTomato production in Poly House Mrs. Rupa Bhul at patanSewing machine support to Mr. Bhani Aauji at PatanPoultry Support to Mrs. Bhagrathi Kumal at PatanSudur Paschim Provincial level network formation- Taken by- Ganesh TamrakarPhotos of Sudur Paschim provincial level network formation meeting at DHN- taken by- Hari Singh BoharaPhoto of HRDs training at Dadeldhura- Photo taken by- Hari Singh BoharaHon_ble Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives _ Proverty Alleviation Minister Padma Aryal observed at Haliya rehabilitation progarm at Kanchanpur. Photo taken by- Hari Singh BoharaHon_ble LMCPA Minister Padma Aryal saying speech about the Haliya rehabilitation program by gov. of Nepal. Photo taken by- Hari Singh BoharaCHS Assessment Photo of Budar Haliya Cooperatives. Photo taken by-Krishan UppadhayaMr. Ishwar Sunar, Chair Person of RMHSF-N mention about the Haliya Issues in Program. Photo taken by- Hari Singh BoharaCHS Assessment Photo of Budar Haliya Cooperatives. Photo taken by-Krishan UppadhayaHaliya Mahasung